Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Busy-ness

Now that all that craziness is over with, maybe things will calm down. I was so busy with the holiday preparations and lots of overtime at work that I didn't get around to showing off my current cross-stitching project.

You can see what it's going to be at this point, but I still have a good ways to go. I already have my next two projects lined up so I'll be going at it for awhile. So excited!

Being into the holiday spirit this year, the husband and I decided to make a ginger bread house. Him nor I has never made one before so this was quite the experience for the both of us.

I felt bad that the windows came out crooked when he put them on, maybe we should of thought about putting them on before we put the house together?

I love the tree he made. :)

I went a little crazy with the Dots.

It might be lop-sided but not bad for our first try right?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Tree!

It's that crazy time of year again. Everyone is out trying to finish off their Christmas List and find those elusive items. While I stay home and put up the Christmas Tree!

I was so excited to put it up this year as the two years before it didn't get put up. The husband and I had to go out and buy ornaments and lights for it as a lot of those things got thrown out when they were ruined in a flood couple years ago. Surprisingly that part I found enjoyable to!
I was very happy with how it turned out as we kept changing our minds constantly whenever we would find something neater then planned to buy for it. I think blue and silver works very well for it.

I must have moved when I took this one. I'm not the best person to stick behind the camera.