Friday, May 22, 2015

Guardian Dragon Cross Stitch

It's finished! I decided I don't care if I can't get the real color of the fabric to show, so long as you can see this beast is done. I think I may have found more of the fabric on Ebay buuut I didn't pursue it; I would probably drive myself crazy trying to find another subject that would look good on it.

Shhhh don't tell anyone but I started a drawing! We shall say no more in fear of jinxing self and not being able to finish it and we want to finish it!! :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015


For Christmas I got my Dad two Amaryllis growing kits; one red and one pink. The red one shot up like a champ with it's stalk and all and the pink one still has no stalk, just leaves. I'm starting to wonder if it is a dud.
When my Nana was alive she loved giving everyone Amaryllis plants for Christmas. They are a pretty hardy plant and will multiple like crazy if you let them but she loved them and always shared that with us. I am hoping if we decide to transplant them to the ground, they can survive the bitter winters here because I know if they do then we will have a bunch of them in a few years. I think if my Nana wanted something that reminded us of her, she would have definitely wanted it to be these flowers :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Spot the Ocelot?

Okay I wouldn't really name it Spot but that was the only thing that popped into my head for a title :D

I am super excited that it now has a full face. Canvas wise I am half way done but stitch count wise I probably am not because the bottom half is fuller then the top. It is also possible for me to say I am done but it would bug me knowing there was more and didn't do it.
So I'll do it.