Sunday, May 15, 2011

More Flowers, and a Horse!

My plants are full of surprises. The two bushes that we have along the property line just bloomed a few days ago. I thought they weren't going to have any flowers at all, but I think these plants like to prove me wrong.

So it turns out I have two Weigela shrubs. Mine seem to be a lot whiter then the ones I goggled as they were all pink.
Another plant to make a liar out of me was the Rhododendron in front of the house. I thought for sure it wouldn't flower because they had cut it back so much. Well...

As you can see, it did anyway. Looks like they are going to be a bright magenta.
I can now say that is ALL of the plants in my yard and there shouldn't be anymore flower pictures till next year...unless I go walking.

In other news, I have started another drawing!

This is just a little ACEO, needed to do something fresh since the unfinished ones I tried to pick up on are just stressing me out. Thought I would try a different coloring method so it's in the ugly stage right now. If this turns out alright I have a rainbow of horses in store.


  1. I love Rhododendrons :D they are so colourful, but the dog is showing too much of an interest in ours so they have to go as they are pretty toxic to dogs :/

  2. They are pretty, I was disappointed to see they were such a bright pink though. Not really a pink person.


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