Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's Going On

I was going to wait till I finished this before showing it, but it's taking me a long time and I hate not posting on here. There is a smidgen of a story with this but it's going to wait till the finished end.

I'm really trying to take my time with this and think layers and color schemes through before I put it all down. I really want to take my art seriously now, especially if I want to go somewhere with it one of these days...
Hopefully I haven't just jinxed it and I'll finish it! It seems like the past couple of drawings I have posted haven't been finished...oops!


  1. This is looking great! Can't wait to see the finished piece. Have fun! :o)

  2. the coloured background showing through the giraffe looks really nice :D

    even if you don't finish something, you still learn from starting it :)

  3. PaP- Thank you! I can't wait to see it finished too.

    Jenn- I was a little excited when I saw how the background showed through. It kind of goes with the whole reason this giraffe has come about.

  4. Hi, I just discovered you! what happened to the giraffe? would love to see the finished painting.


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