Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another Trip!

It has been silly busy lately and it is still going. Tomorrow we are flying down to Texas so that we can drive back up, with plus two. I am super excited to be moving my Dad in with me, especially since I will get to spend way more time with him and not have to travel back and forth.
It is my hope that things will level out some when we get back and settled in so that I can work on my next dragon! I have it sketched out on the sketch book but that's as far as I got :D

Also, I was curious if the page looks messed up for anyone else. I noticed that it looks fine when I preview it, but when I actually go to the blog, the one side column is missing and the other one winds up at the bottom of the page. I tried playing with the settings and it didn't do anything.


  1. looks fine with me :) blogger often has a lot of little hiccups :p have a good drive back

    1. Thanks Jen! The drive back was loooong but pretty uneventful. I will tell anyone now, if you can fly then do it cause 26 hour drive will drive you batty :D

    2. yeah long distance driving is a pain :/ 3 days from ontario to alberta was fun.....with a dog and a cat as well :p

    3. Yikes! I would have lost my mind and everyone with me would want to kill me cause I would be so grouchy :/


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