Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Playing With Metallic Pencils

Over the weekend I had some free time to try my new pencils. I have used metallic pencils in the past, but that was over ten years ago and they weren't water soluble.

So first I made my reference cards, I have this for all my pencils. Though admittedly these are the only ones with three different ones!

Then it was time to play with the black paper, something I have never used before. I was hoping it would bring out the metallic more but I think some of the color I used under them for shading took that away. I tried taking a picture of it with the camera and also scanning it to see the difference. Definitely going to have to play with it some more.


What a silly smile he seems to have.


Then I tried something that I have been wanting to do but afraid to, watered the subject and not just the background.



First off, I LOVE this guy! I feel for my first attempt, this came out awesome, even if it isn't perfect. I might even frame it. Secondly I used actual water color paper this time. Not sure if most notice this, but a lot of papers have a different tooth on the back side of them. I used the back of the water color paper cause I thought it looked neat (and there was a weird splotch on the front). As you can see when watered, the pencils lose their metallic altogether.

Next I will have to try them on regular white paper, though when I was doing my little reference card I wasn't impressed but that just could have been the paper type. So here is to me crossing my fingers I get some free time again soon!


  1. with most types of paper, the sides are different. i didn't notice it with murano paper until someone pointed it out tho :p

    very nice dragons :)

    water-soluble mettalic pencils? going to have to try those :)

    1. It took me awhile to see it on some papers too so don't feel bad :D
      Yes water soluble, I think Derwent has a fetish for them cause all the pencils I have from them are :) I got mine on Amazon because even after shipping they were half the price I would have paid if I bought them at the local craft store that was carrying them. Check them out!


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