Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pittsburgh Zoo Trip

About a month ago I had visited the zoo. I went there with high expectations and left feeling a bit empty. They have lost a number of their animals, whether to old age or relocation and just didn't fill in the gaps. We had went first thing in the morning so a lot of them were still sleepy and not ready to face the chilly day. So here is what I could capture of my adventure. (They can all be clicked on for a larger version, just didn't want to stretch the page.)
First off were the lovely big cats. I was shocked to see the snow leopard up and moving about as she is usually asleep when I visit. As you can see the lions were still not fully awake yet, but they will always be my favorite.
The flamingos made me giggle a bit. They were making a huge racket when they all came out and when the keeps came by and feed them, it went completely quiet.
The elephants are my second favorite, they are so large but can be so gentle, it's amazing.
The monkeys are my least liked animal. There were more of them but they were either not wanting their pictures taken or my pictures came out way too blurry and got deleted.
My third favorite place, the aquarium. I just love seeing all the colorful fish and the other strange things that live in the water.
We thought the alligator was possibly dead o.O it just sat under the water and didn't move a bit.
There were a few more animals, but between them hiding or moving too much, no pictures turned out for them. I was most likely the only person there that was taking pictures of the flowers, wonder how weird that looked...


  1. well can't have a trip for photos almost a waste, need photos of something pretty to draw :)

    1. I am going to assume your talking about the


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