Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Busy Spring

Spring is with out a doubt, my favorite time of the year. All the beautiful flowers come out, the sun comes out and everything is just gorgeous. This spring has been just as delightful so far and I have been spending more time outdoors, trying my hand at gardening. When others talked about it, it didn't interest me and I had no motivation to try it myself. The grocery store had packs of bulbs for real cheap this year, and I had a large empty pot, soooo I decided to give it a go and bought some Asiatic Lily bulbs and I kept going after that!

The first one has four bulbs planted and I was so excited when these two poked out and now are growing like crazy! The second one has two, and the sprout there just came up the other day, so waiting on three more!

These three pots are from a packet of seeds that was labeled "Old Fashion Garden Mix". There is suppose to be nineteen different types of plants in the mix. At first I tried thinning them out but gave up, I'm just going to let it go and see what happens :/

I also have a pot of Lobelia or "crystal palace" but nothing has come up yet and a picture of a pot of dirt isn't very exciting. Then there is another pot of "Giraffe" Lilies that was only planted a week ago so that's another pot of dirt. I think I just liked playing with dirt!

The guys dug up and planted this vegetable garden that is 10'x20' with tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, butter squash, cabbage, onions, and potatoes. That will be good eating when it is all ready.
We got a hold of an old tractor tire and I am currently spray painting it white so that it can become a planter as well. That's just going to get some annuals which I will probably wind up killing within a week. The black thumb has to come out eventual the way I see it.

I finally got a Moon Cactus, I have always loved the red ones. The Coral Cactus was something my Dad brought home as a surprise. I had never seen one before and he thought I would like it; I love it!
Hopefully the next time I post something about my plants, it will be when my lilies bloom :)


  1. love cacti, and those are really nice ones :)

    lillies are one of the only things i don't kill lol

    1. I have always thought cacti were cool, living in Texas I saw them a lot and we had some in our yard too.

      Yeah, when I ready that lilies are good for beginners I knew they would be my best bet. This way they grow and I don't get discouraged before next year when I try other plants.


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