Monday, June 23, 2014

Finished Pieces

Got a few things done finally and since I have this entire week off (not my choice) maybe I'll get some other things accomplished.
Drew these up for a co-worker. She has the blessed/cursed part on her wrist but the artist messed it up and she wants to have it redone to cover up the crappy job. She told me her idea for the theater masks and I offered to draw it. She was torn on which way she wanted it done :D
I had been working on this little guy when I was getting sick of the bigger piece. Sometimes I just needed a break from the serpent but I still wanted to cross stitch. This Flareon is for sale and will be available once I open my Etsy store :)
The best for last! The Serpent is finally finished!! So glad I got it done within three months. I already know what my next big piece is but I won't be starting it for another month as I need a break and I still need the right color cloth for it.

Right now I am working on a biscornu. It is going to be a small one for myself but it will be an interesting change of pace when I go to put it together.

1 comment:

  1. the cover up designs look good :) and congrats on finishing the serpent in 3 months, would take me a year lol


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