Thursday, June 25, 2015

Aqua, Yellow, Pink

Because those are the colors I was following :D
I am definitely scanning this tomorrow because the colors aren't showing to well but I am so darn pleased with this first attempt. Three colors but seven markers since the color palette isn't as strict as the last three. ACEO size seems to work quite well so I don't know if I'll try anything larger. Maybe way later :D

So here is something slightly amusing. I am using Prismacolor markers for the main bits, the black outline is actually Prismacolor ink pens, and for the longest time I only used Prismacolor pencils. Yeah just call me the Prismacolor poster child! But seriously, those ink pens are awesome ^_^


  1. haven't used prisma markers, been staying away from anything prisma since the pencils went really down in quality. cant get prismas here anyway

    1. Most of my pencils are pre downhill era. I was fortunate yeeears ago to get the full set and with that many pencils/colors I haven't nubbed any down yet. The white is getting there though :/

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe, thank you! You know you can edit your posts right? Not that two posts hurt anything :)

    2. yeah but I think you can only edit before you hit enter and the comment is posted. unless you can edit after and I am being daft and can't see it lol


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