Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Playing With Markers

Figured it has been awhile since I messed with prisma markers and when I did I never really tried to do anything great with them. So thought it was time to drag them back out and see what I could do. Starting off small, I only used three colors for this, I think I'm going to follow the color schemes for the Summer of Colors deal to play around with.


  1. nice job :D I need to work more with markers, but too many supplies, too little time

    glad you are using some colours from summer of color, it can be a challenge but its a fun one :)

    1. Shoot I still have a set of pastel pencils I haven't touched yet so I know what you mean!

      When I saw the color palettes the first thing that popped into my head was "MARKERS!" :D This one was a piece of cake but when you see my second one you will know the struggle was real.


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