Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter Blues

Yesterday morning when I went to go take the dog out, it was snowing for the first time this season. Thankfully it didn't stay as I'm not ready for the whiteness yet. Seeing it though made me realize that it's that time of year for me when nothing gets done. I'm not sure if it's my mind trying to go into hibernation or a funk but I seem to just shut down and not want to do anything.

So far my excuse has been that I don't have anything in my room set up, but we all know I'm just kidding myself. I tried sitting down the other day and drawing something and I just got frustrated and gave up. I hadn't even be trying for fifteen minutes. I don't feel forcing myself is the answer as that will just push me away from the joy of it.

Instead I picked a different angle of 'art' and picked cross-stitching back up. That's right, I'm twenty-five and love to cross stitch! It has been three years since I last did some thread crossing and it was exciting to jump back in.

At the moment I have a tiger pattern that I had started back then and plan on attempting to finish this winter. It is the most detailed one I have ever done with twenty different thread colors to it. I'll post pictures later once I re-find the camera since I unpacked my things and "put them in their own places", I have to find those places now.

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