Monday, September 26, 2011

Mushroom Mania

I have discovered that every once in a while, mushrooms will pop up in my yard. Since I don't have anything else to test my camera on, the mushrooms get a lot of attention. It has gotten to the point that I now get excited when I see them, especial if a new kind pops up. So here is a sort of spew of my mushroom models.

I have a fascination with the underside of the caps, the frills seem almost delicate.

Today I found this very interesting gray one, one of them even had a surprise on it.

I was so tickled by the slug stuck to it!

In other news, I am working on a drawing but it is very slow going as I'm not home as much :( . I'm not going to post anything about it till it's done as I don't want to string posts along like the others I have done and not finished. (Maybe then I won't jinx it into not being finished?)


  1. Wow...I love these photos! There is just something magical about the forms and colors of mushrooms.

  2. ack! *runs away* :p give me a 10 foot snake or a tarantula over a slug :p

  3. lol Jennifer, seriously? I could take the snake but you can keep your tarantula!

  4. Such pretty mushrooms. Love the one with the slug!


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