Thursday, February 14, 2013

It Started With Dragons

Humans are usually inspired by something when they choose to start down a path, I was no exception when I started drawing. My Nana might have been the small start to it, but the big spark came when I fell madly in love with dragons. I would see them on book covers, statues, t-shirts, television; anywhere really and I couldn't help but be in total awe of them. At the age of ten I struggled with the knowledge that they weren't real, how could something so cool not be real?! I wanted them to be real, I started reading as many books as I could about them or just with them in them.

At this point I am only slightly interested in drawing, I've drawn a few cutesy little things for relatives and done some epic tracing in books, but nothing serious. It wasn't until I was twelve that I decided it was time to try to master it, especially in the area of dragons. My first dragon I drew happened one night with a lot of trepidation; could I do this? Was it going to turn out? If I couldn't do this would I keep trying?! When you see it, you may guess which book cover it is from ;)

Ruth the White Dragon
Done in Crayon

Anne McCaffrey's dragons were a huge inspiration and when I finished this (without tracing which I think is obvious) I felt it was a HUGE success, so I kept drawing dragons. At first I just looked at other peoples art and drew it, but I eventual strayed away from copying and made my own dragons.

Roleplay Dragon
Colored Pencil

Admittedly dragons were the only things I would draw till I was taking art classes in high school, then I felt I -had- to expand.

Fire Lizard
Colored Pencil

But always I came back to the dragon, because I knew if I wanted them to be real in anyway, it had to be through art.

Poison Flower
Colored Pencil

Colored Pencil

As silly as it may sound, to this day I still dream that they are real. My only consolation to this is that the dragon is one of the oldest 'monsters' in history and myth, spanning over different cultures that hadn't met at the times. So I still carry the small hope that they are out there somewhere, only reachable to us through art, books, video games, how ever we may see them.

Dragon head sketches


  1. Pern! loved the books when i was younger,hmm should probably get a few from the library and re-read them.

    some kind of creature must have existed for all of these different countries with no ties to come up with the ideas of dragons

    1. I have almost all the Pern books, and I keep thinking I need to do the same thing, after all we know it's worth it!
      Thank you! My thoughts exactly! It's just too much of a coincidence, and I don't believe in coincidences.


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