Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I apologize greatly for the extreme lack of art updates for the most part of this year. This year has been wacky and I hadn't really tried to set time aside for myself to work on anything. I am also learning that when I offer to draw something for someone, it doesn't get done so I will most likely never do commission work. :/ I have been on vacation this past month and haven't really focused too much on art. With my camera and lots of flowers and critters about, thats been my main focus. Expect photo explosion when I get home :D I did finally get an itch that was too strong to ignore and drew a little bit finally..
I keep seeing dinosaurs here and there, and it finally drove me nuts enough to want to draw some. I took a picture of the drawing with my phone, surprised it came out this good! This won't be the last of them, I have a few more I'm going to do and hopefully when I get home I will still want to do more since all I have right now is a 2B pencil.

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Thanks for stopping by and never hesitate to leave a line :)